You’re a risk taker, security seeker
Primary Personality
Just like Ricky, your child’s primary Money Personality is Risk-Taker! Risk-Takers love new ideas! You may notice your child constantly brainstorming about what they can do next. This may come across as being easily distracted, but it’s just their Risk-Taker side seeking the next adventure! They make decisions quickly and don’t factor in the cost or possibility of failure. They just GO FOR IT!
Ricky is a daredevil in the making! His dream is to be Hollywood’s next great stuntman, like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. He loves taking risks and making daring feats. Whenever he gets money, he likes to spend it on what looks like the fastest and fanciest racing bikes, regardless of their quality. Sometimes his purchases work out….and sometimes they don’t. Ricky always tries again but he’s tired of not seeing a return of his money. To make sure Ricky chooses his next bike wisely, his big sister is going to help him do some research on the ones that catch his eye so he can make a wiser and better decision.

Your child’s secondary Money Personality is Security-Seeker! Security-Seekers like to be prepared. They hold onto their money until they’re absolutely sure they know what they want to do with it. As a kid, this might mean looking at all the toys or candy in the store before making a decision. Or maybe they check out the reviews on a new game before they buy it. Regardless, your child is all about safety with their money.
Steve is a very cautious person. He likes a lot of security in his life, like knowing that his mom will always be there to pick him up from school and that his night light will keep him safe from monsters under his bed.
This isn’t to say that Steve doesn’t like to have fun! He loves video games and racing bikes with his best friend Risky Ricky. However, before he buys a game or bike he always has to read the reviews to see if it’s worth paying for. He loves always having a plan in place. Unfortunately, this means he often misses out on lots of fun opportunities his friends invite him to. He’ll miss out on bowling and going out for ice cream because he’s scared he’ll spend too much money. Steve’s mom is helping him to not be scared by creating a budget just for spending on fun things so that he can stop missing out!
A Friendship is born…
Ricky wants to be a stuntman in Hollywood one day. He makes daring decisions all the time, including last week when Ricky invited his friend, Security Steve, to help him do a bike trick over multiple trash cans! Ricky’s bravery is great when it comes to trying out new stunts, but it can sometimes be difficult when it comes to spending and saving money. Steve is great at making savings plans, so he showed Ricky some of his own money saving tricks, like researching products before buying them. Steve also helped Ricky by motivating him to give some extra thought into what he’d want to buy before spending his money on it. But Steve isn’t the only one that can help, Ricky has taught Steve that it is okay to spend a big amount especially if you can get a greater turnaround on it. Both friends are thankful to learn from one another and try their new found advice.

Help grow your child’s financial brain
- 1Sit down with your child and talk to them about wants and needs. Explain that needs are the priority and their wants can be saved for!
- 2Give your kids an allowance of some sort! It will help them grasp how to save, spend, and share their money.
- 3Allow them freedom with their money, but do give them some tips. We want to let them have their own money personality and not feel bad about it, but learning aspects of other types will help later on in life.